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About Us

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Mission Statement

 The Sutton Area Chamber of Commerce was organized for the purpose of advancing the agricultural, civic, commercial, economic, educational, industrial, cultural and tourist interests and general welfare of the City of Sutton, Nebraska and its general trade area.


What is the Chamber? 

A Chamber of Commerce is an action agency designed to meet community needs. It is a voluntary organization of individuals and businesses who work together to advance the commercial, financial, industrial and civic interests of a community.

Who Runs the Chamber?

The organization is run by a Board of Directors elected by the membership. The Board, serving without pay, sets the polices for the Chamber. The administrative head of the Chamber is the manager, who in SAC is known as the Sutton Area Chamber of Commerce Representative.



Who Can Belong? 
All the businesses and professional men and women engaged in producing and distributing goods and services can logically be expected to support the Chamber of Commerce. Companies, partnerships and corporations are members, too, but these organizations are made up of people. A corporation in legal interpretation is a person, but the "go-power" of the Chamber is actually human beings.


How Does It Work?
Action groups-councils, task forces or committees are the backbone of a Chamber. They are the units that accomplish the organization's goals and objectives. The needs of the community and policies of the Chamber determine the kinds and number of these action groups.


Who Pays For It?
Financed on a voluntary basis, a Chamber's expenses are apportioned among it's members, consisting of firms and individuals. Chamber membership is an Investment in the present and future of the welfare of the individual and the community.

Let’s Work Together

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